About Us

HomeGaze is initiated to resolve the problems of buyers around the globe. People from normal backgrounds don’t have technical knowledge/ specifications about electronic devices, home or kitchen appliances etc. 

Hence we thought, there should be someone behind the scene who can provide accurate, authentic, trustworthy information, neither influenced nor sponsored by any individual or company or anything else. 

HomeGaze is the platform for best products review founded by the enthusiastic entrepreneur Mr Raj Verdhan. He has worked with the most renowned multinationals catering to various consumer products. He realised that there is a requirement to guide our Indian consumers regarding different products and appliances so that they will be able to make an appropriate decision while buying any consumer appliances.

Hence, he initiated this website to help out many consumers seeking a comprehensive and trustworthy guide on various consumer products. 

HomeGaze is the result of not only the following members but there are other representatives and surveyors. Our representatives work hard to find out the best product available in the market. They also discuss the products from the service engineer to get real feedback about the products. 

HomeGaze is the team of many authors/ contributors who are experts in their era. 

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Raj Vardhan, Founder & CEO at HomeGaze.

Raj Vardhan has done BSc (Physics) in 2006 from the University of Allahabad and MBA (Finance & IB) from the University of Lucknow in 2008. He has worked in German-based MNC Fresenius Kabi Ltd as Business Manager for more than 5 years. Then he took a decision to set up his own venture.

Hence, he started a manufacturing company named Vardhan Food Product Pvt. Ltd. Now he is also operating a skill enhancement institute which delivers various entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills and other skill development programmes for enthusiastic entrepreneurs. 

Connect with Raj, LinkedIn

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Ravi Prakash (Author & Contributor)

Ravi Prakash (Author & Contributor), B.Tech with specialisation HVAC and electronics from GBTU, Lucknow. He not only has a deep understanding of electronics fundamentals, components and latest technology. He plays a vital role while we review any product, his assistance and suggestions make our article accurate, authentic and trustworthy.

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Pooja Rao (Authors & Contributor), She is not only a writer but also a home improvement enthusiast, always happy to share her awesome ideas with people. Her ideas for home and kitchen improvement followed by many households. She always believes in innovation which provides us with ideas and motivation to make our articles and ideas more interesting and useful. She loves travelling and often travels to many cities and find out unique opportunities to share with our readers.

Why do we provide the best product review?

We not only review any product based on external performance but also we deeply understand the technology, functionality and limitations of the home appliances. We do gather feedback from the third party service centre or provider.

Our writer and market surveyor collaboration ensure the best and accurate outcomes before the writing of product review and buyer’s guide. We ensure and update the product information and specifications regularly so that you can get the updated and latest information. 

Our Vision:

Our vision is to help out the maximum consumers around the world who are browsing the internet and looking for some or the other information regarding different products. Our endeavour is to review the maximum product available in the Indian market and provide absolute information regarding those products. We always try to deliver optimum quality content to our readers so that they themselves would be able to make any decisions.

Our Mission:

We are predominantly focused on those consumers who wish to purchase home appliances, kitchen appliances or other electronic items but are unable to decide the right one as per their requirements. Sometimes, some innocent consumers get into the trap of sales representatives and hence end up with a wrong decision and lose their hard money. 

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